Board Training: The Four Point Approach
Date: Tuesday, October 01, 2024
Location: Zoom
REGISTER NOW »Join us from 4:00-5:15PM. This event will be held virtually via Zoom.
This is the second of two Board Trainings offered annually by the Maine Downtown Center. Please join us to dive in deep to the Main Street Four Point Approach: Promotion, Economic Vitality, Organization and Design. This is the work that our Main Street, Affiliate, and Municipal organizations are implementing at the local level. We encourage groups to participate in the training together. Please register to receive the ZOOM link for participating in real time or to receive the recording to view later.

Thanks to the generosity of Kennebec Savings Bank, the Maine Downtown Center is able to offer $50 participation stipends to downtown leaders and volunteers from Augusta, Gardiner, Hallowell, Brunswick and Freeport. The stipend of $50 is meant to allow participants to attend more fully by receiving a stipend to use for a babysitter, take-out dinner because you are not able to cook that night, or generally to allow more people to participate in this training. More info is available in the registration form.