Creating a productive and competitive workforce
MDF has concentrated its personnel and resources dedicated to education and workforce development on the efforts of MaineSpark.
MDF is a lead partner in MaineSpark, a 10-year initiative by Maine’s most influential education and business leaders to ensure that Maine’s workforce is productive and competitive. The coalition of organizations —schools and universities, nonprofits and foundations, government agencies and businesses – has committed to the common goal that by 2025, 60% of Mainers will hold education and workforce credentials that position Maine and its families to succeed. The coalition takes a coordinated approach to connect people with the education, training, jobs, programs and resources needed to thrive in Maine’s robust and changing economy.

Why is MDF actively engaged in advancing the goals of MaineSpark?
MaineSpark links people in every stage of life, from every economic and educational background, and from every corner of the state and beyond who are pursuing their goals in this great state with member organizations that provide support and services. The goals and mission of MaineSpark are in complete alignment with MDF, which is why MDF is a core and founding partner of the initiative. MDF and MaineSpark both know that Maine has jobs—excellent jobs in growing industries. And Maine has workers—hard workers with dreams to fulfill. By working together as part of MaineSpark’s team of organizations and services, MDF feels we will best serve Mainers who are aspiring to gain access to the skills, knowledge and information needed to land the jobs they want.
Education & Workforce Activities:
Maine’s Adult Promise
MDF, through its work on the MaineSpark Initiative, has taken on the role of convener and Project Manager for the Maine Adult Promise Program.
- Helping to create a statewide network of MaineSpark Navigators
- Working to encourage increased appropriations for grants given to adults pursuing post-secondary credentials
- Piloting activities to connect cross-sector, longitudinal data
- Developing direct outreach opportunities between employers and regional education and support providers.

Navigator Resource Library
Relevant case studies, curriculum guides, research, webinars, and articles on key topics

Adult Promise
Have questions about how to go back to school, earn a promotion or change careers?

Reaching the highest quality of life possible
The goal of MaineSpark is to help each person in the state of Maine reach the highest quality of life that they can possibly reach. MaineSpark doesn’t create new programs, but rather helps existing programs align and move forward towards that goal.